About Me

This Is Whomst I Am, Down Below.

Salutations. I am human. I believe. INTJ-A, Hermit, bonnafied whackacow.

This website will be run as a full test for me utilizing the great vast expanse known as the internet. Fascinating, no?

I will attempt to post on an irregular basis, on things pretaining to the audio industry, and the Linux world. Both interests of mine. And anything else that comes to mind at times.

My interests include, but are not limited to:

  • Music (both playing and composing)
  • Vintage Hardware Repair
  • Roof/Floor Truss Contruction
  • Arch Linux & FreeBSD
  • Vintage Video Gaming
  • Photography
  • Japanese

I am male, if anyone wonders. Straighter than a Weyerhouser 2x12.