Website Transfer Hop

Converting from Google AMP to something more reasonable and understandable

With the old site broken on its links, it was time to swap out with a simpler, more understandable theme in Hugo. and MIT.

The previous theme that I was using was a Google AMP theme that was provided on their site in the early, early days of Hugo. These themes, however, are no longer provided. Therefore, since the Google AMP system utterly confused me, and I didn’t approve of the colouring scheme it provided (Nor did I understand how to alter it, with it all in one singular line of CSS), I decided to march on towards another theme that I could use within HUGO.

This is how I stumbled upon Blackburn.

Not only is it a monotone theme, but it’s also reasonable, based off of Pure.CSS. Never thought I’d be using supported by Yahoo.

With this transfer complete, I’ll be able to setup scripts to automate the submission process of my website to github for simpler operations. Maybe now I’ll start using this thing more often.
