Xfce4/Xorg Fun

Moving from Xfce4 to LxQt to i3 made for an interesting week.

I was streaming a game of Civilization II to a friend via Discord, when the entirety of my DE kills over. Unsure of why, I tried again. Killed over again.

This had been happening with Zoom, with video over Skype, and now, with Discord. ‘Twas time to inspect the issue at hand.

First step was over to LxQt. No issues, nothing lagged out either like in Xfce4. Interesting. I then installed i3-wm and started using it. Same thing, no issues, except I’ve become quite fond of i3 and its navigation. Will probably stick with it now.

I’m unsure of why the issues with Xfce4 have even come to be in recent times; I’ve used Xfce4 for about 2 years and haven’t had any serious issues with it. Xfce4 is the only DE I’ve used that shows its ‘artifacts’ (of buffer cache, I presume) during the loading in of various programs (Minecraft, etc. When loading, for a brief moment I see the artifacts of the previous program in use, whatever it may be). Mayhap it be in there, I am uncertain. Nonetheless, it shall be reported to the development team for further investigation.

While that happens, I’ll be delving further into the setup and perfection of this installment of i3-wm. I may even begin posting about it, we shall see.
